Sunday, April 17, 2005

Call Me Ishmael...

You know, I never read Moby Dick, but from the comic book version I glanced though, it seems like Civil Procedure is this Captain Ahab's whale. At this point I feel driven to pursue it, even though I'm quite positive it will ultimately destroy me inside, and possibly rip one of my legs off.

I forgot how enraging making an outline is. I'd like to think that it's just civ pro, but I know it's not true. Con law and property are waiting in the wings, ready to dropkick me in the nuts as soon as civ pro tags out.

One of the reasons I think I'm stressed out is that I did fairly well last semester. If I had grades that were around the median, I could try to get good grades by working hard, or I could just shoot for the median again. If I ended up at the median, next fall employers would see my transcript and know that I was consistent. If I did really well, I could just explain that I didn't get the hang of it the first time around, but improved second semester. The problem comes when you do well one semester, because then you have to do well again. You can go from a 3.0 to a 3.7 and it looks really good, you worked hard and improved yourself. If you go from a 3.7 to a 3.0 you look like a jackass who got cocky. So I feel like I painted myself into a corner, I don't really have anything to gain. My gpa can't really get much higher, but I can lose pretty much everything... This is why I'm in the library at 3am on a Saturday.


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