Thursday, September 08, 2005

OCI and Katrina

Sucks that I was wrong about Katrina. Dammit. I can't believe it's taking so goddamn long to help these people. I wonder why the national guard wasn't there sooner? Oh right, they're all in Iraq. That's ok though, because the cheap oil that we're getting from Iraq should really help us rebuild after Katrina... oh wait, they somehow managed to fuck that up too. God this administration is a bunch of no-talent assclowns. On the other side of the coin, what the hell is wrong with the people who still don't want to leave? Why would anyone NEED an evacuation order at this point? I understand the unwillingness to leave your home... and I kind of respect the strength it takes to stand up and defy nature like that... but once the hurricane has come and house is gone, I think it's time to call it a day, there's nothing left to salvage.

In career related news, we are now near the end of week two of a gruelling three week interview process. The problem is that I really want to work at all of the places I'm interviewing at. I'm also interviewing at about thirty places. The amount of research I've had to do is staggering. It's really tough to dig stuff up about these places, since the websites all say similar things. Research also kind of creates a catch-22 of sorts. If you don't research, you look like you don't care. If you thoroughly research, you don't have any real interesting questions to ask when the interviewer INEVITABLY asks if you have any questions about the firm.

I think I'm starting to hit my stride in interviewing. I'm at the point now where I've had a significant number of positive interviews, and I'm feeling more comfortable with the whole process. Or maybe I'm just so burned out that I don't have the energy to pretend to be someone else for 20 minutes. In any event, I feel more natural now than I did when I started, which is good, because I've always been a disaster at these sorts of things.


Blogger maisnon said...

Yeah, I ended up treating interviewing the same way I treat dating: why be someone else? Both of you will end up unhappy.

11:48 AM  

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