Monday, April 18, 2005


I'm employed... for pay... in a law-related job! This is fantastic news. It doesn't pay much, but it'll be enough to pay the bills, and it'll be an awesome experience.

Just to try something new, I started my con law outline instead of doing civ pro again. It sucks, quite a bit, but not nearly as much as civ pro. I'll be going back to the library tonight to do some more of it... I plan on getting pretty heavily jacked up on caffeine first. One thing that really sucks is that it's become readily apparent that my study group and I are on totally separate pages this semester. Last semester we went through the courses case by case and meticulously built outlines. This semester one guy doesn't even seem to be making outlines, instead relying on other people's. The other guy and I both started independently and it's tough to synchronize our efforts when we're halfway through.

It's weird, now that grades have been out for a while, and everyone knows who got the CALI in what, and everyone knows who is getting a job and where, it's become very apparent who ranks where within the class. I mean obviously the people who did really well are on the CALI website and that nifty dean's list that they hang on the wall, and obviously some people just bitched about how poorly they did, but the middle is starting to flesh itself out now that employment results are trickling in. People also don't seem to care as much anymore. I think we're all over the shock of it.


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