Monday, April 10, 2006

Dirty South

Dammit. A whole weekend "wasted" in Virginia on a softball tournament.

Actually it was really fun. My team was the super recreational team... not a lot of "talent" on our squad, but I like to think we made up for it with a little something called "heart..." that and mad flip-cup skillz.

Our team was 0-3. We lost our last one 13-0. Honestly I think the umps took that one away from us, we really got hosed on a couple of close calls. Well, that and let the other team cycle through their line-up twice in the first inning.

Now that the fun's over, I have to face the academic ruin I've brought upon myself. We have what? Five weeks until finals? I'm now officially a week behind in reading for one class, I have a 30 page paper due in a month that I haven't even started researching for yet, and I'm not going to get 8 hours of sleep tonight.

I really can't wait for this to be over.


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