Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sweet Concert

I saw Roger Waters last night.

It was a pretty sweet concert. I actually went with the girlfriend and her PARENTS. Which I guess makes them pretty cool parents.

It was a really weird mix of people. Among the older people there were the yuppy types who looked all clean cut and sat in the nice seats, there were the grungy older people who never really left the 60's. The younger fans were also similarly divided between fratty-clean cut looking people, and filthy hippies.

I'm not sure where I would fall on the spectrum. Ten years ago it would definitely be in the filthy disgusting hippy camp. However, I'm no longer the same person I was then. And of course I have way too much hair on my head and face to be considered "clean cut."

Oh man, also my alternator belt went on my car. I JUST had the thing replaced like two and a half months ago. The thing is, I had it replaced in a city that's about 500 miles and two states away from here. The alternator belt was like $100. I know it's not that much, but I shouldn't have to pay for it... but I can't take it back to the same place because it's too far away. Bah. I can't wait until I can buy a car that wasn't made in the 80's.


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