Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Con law's crappiness and a brand new pope!

Oh man am I lazy. My previous predictions as to con law's crappiness have come true. There is a ton of theoretical crap to wade through. The thing is, it's really easy to get a general grasp of the material. But a general grasp of the material is going to wreck my gpa... I actually need to know it in some detail. I talked to a few profs this week about letters of recommnedation for transferring. They're going to do it for me, which is fantastic. Now I just have to shake a leg and get my FAFSA done. I'm so lazy about this crap.

The new pope looks like skeletor or Mr. Burns. He's probably a really good guy and all, but man, they couldn't have picked a more evil looking dude.


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