Monday, June 27, 2005

The Final Lineup:

Given that my class rank was much better than expected, and my main goal for transferring was to get closer to the girlfriend, I decided to limit the applications to the 3 schools that get me closer to her, and that I really really really want to go to... and my fate is in their admissions committees' hands now.

All I have to do tomorrow is send in the transcript for one more school, request ONE more set of undergrad transcripts, and get another dean's cert out.

So now here's the problem: What do I do if I don't hear anything before my lease is up? My lease ends Aug. 1st, and I'm really hoping the landlord will let me stay another month. Actually, I'm really hoping I'll get into a new school before then, but if I don't, and the landlord won't let me stay, I need to move all of my stuff to a friend's house, and crash there for a week or two. I figure if I haven't heard anything by August 15, I'll just suck it up, rent a new apartment, and stay here... cause I can't be homeless for very long.

Bah. So tomorrow... tons of work for Prof. X, and some administrative crap for transferring. I'll forget to eat until 6pm again, and then I'll be faced with my daily dillemma: wash dishes, go hungry, or spend money I don't have at the local burrito place.


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