Sunday, April 24, 2005

Boring, and fiercely proud.

Hmmm... I am an incredibly boring person. Everyday I come here and try to think of something to write. By the time I get to a break in my work, I find out that all the creativity existing in my soul has been incinerated by the flames of civ pro. Seriously, what did I do today? I got up, went to a diner, ate there, left a 5% tip because the service blew, then outlined for 12 hours... Haha, If anyone out there is reading this, know this: You may think this blog is boring, but this is my life... how do you think that makes me feel? Haha, seriously though, things could be much worse. In two weeks this will all be over, and my boring summer posts can begin: I woke up just after 2pm, played video games for about 6 hours, then I decided to put pants on and go to the bar. Rinse and repeat. I guess I don't really have a problem with my life being boring. At least it's predictable... I mean, really, our whole lives are spent trying to create as much predictability as possible... If predictability the standard society uses to judge the value of something, my life rules!


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