Monday, June 13, 2005

This is where I come to cry.

Or at least it will be on Wednesday. That's the word from our beloved administration on when grades will be released. Wednesday the 15th. You COULD say I have a lot riding on this. But that may be an understatement. Anyway, for some messed up reason we supposedly get our grades on Wednesday, but our class ranks won't be available for two more weeks... What the hell? I imagine that it would be fairly easy to come up with class ranks after everyone's GPA has been computed. Open Excel file. Sort. Done. Unless they're inscribing these things on stone tablets, there is no reason for it to take this long. I don't know. I'm open to being wrong on this, leave a comment if you can think of some reason (other than trying to screw people over who are trying to transfer) that it should take two weeks to get class ranks AFTER grades have come out.


Blogger maisnon said...

B/c they hate students. No, seriously, I've decided that's what it has to be with our records office, at least. I've even done some econ analysis on the whole thing. (They don't get repeat customers, so why should they bothering serving students? They serve the admin and the faculty - i.e. the lifers.)

This woman in our records office has a sweetly cross-stitched sign that says "Yesterday was the deadline for emergencies." I always want to say "I'M THE ONE THAT SIGNS YOUR PAYCHECK! HOW ABOUT DOING YOUR JOB?"

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In our school they no longer rank least publicly. Wouldn't want to hurt the feelings of the bottom 2/3rds of students. They do release a chart showing approximate rank based on GPA.

The only way you ever know your real rank is if you're in the top ten after two years. Then they let you know so that you can compete against students from less liberal schools.

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck on Wed.
I know, I hate all the suspense too. Why can't they just give you the scores & ranking straight out, somewhere along the likes of the new computerized GRE tests?

3:24 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

it's because they all schedule vacations in june, just because they can.

and, what maisnon said.

9:25 PM  

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