Sunday, July 03, 2005

Snubs Reviews: War of the Worlds

I saw War of the Worlds tonight. It was about as good as I thought it'd be. The movie felt like a Spielberg flick, but it had the alien invasion element of Independence Day. So it was pretty cool. I haven't read the book in about 15 years, so a lot of it was a surprise to me.

Anyway, Tom Cruise seemed insane in this flick (I can't decide if a) his character is supposed to be running around all frantic like, b) I've become prejudiced from watching his behavior over the past month, or c) he was actually mental during the filming... If you press me on it, I'd objectively have to say that it was because his character is supposed to be frantic and confused.)

All in all, I thought it was pretty good. The ending was abrupt, and there were a few unanswered questions, but it was entertaining. Just don't expect to see the best movie ever made in the history of film, and you shouldn't be disappointed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tommy boy is a little out of whack these days.

I'm holding down until it blows over since I'm such a rebel.

4:15 PM  

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