Thursday, July 14, 2005

Burritos were so yesterday...

Tonight it's pizza. I can't control myself. There's a place near here... where the grease seems to actually saturate the wax paper. Now, I know this sounds bad for me, but it's not. You see, in January, I found out I had what some "Doctors" like to call "high blood pressure," this prompted several lifestyle changes, including me giving up all meats except for fish (of the non-fried variety). So now, my pizza is greasy, but it's vegetarian, so it's good for me, because meat is bad for you (at least the kind I like to eat... I always hated chicken... unless it was deep fried and smothered in delicious sauces).

So I use the vegetarian excuse to pollute my body with all kinds of filth (though the food that I buy at the store generally is wholesome, and easy to cook). It's ok though... I checked the BP after grades came out this semester, (several times in fact) and what do you know, it's back to normal... it's almost... almost as though law school is bad for your health or something...


Blogger Dagny said...

So not eating meats actually helps your BP? My husband has high blood pressure and we have never been told that before.

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snubs, you...leave me speechless.

I didn't even know they make vegetarian burrito.

9:04 PM  
Blogger Snubligent said...

Dagny, it's avoiding the salt and fat that come in the meat that I like that helps. I don't like "skinless chicken" that's been "grilled."

I like fried wings, charred burgers, mountains of ribs, fat laden steaks, salted to perfection, and all manner of cured meats loaded with nitrates and sodium. These aren't healthy. At all. It's not just blood pressure, it's heart disease and cancer as well (google "nitrates" and "colon cancer...").

I honestly don't think my diet was the healthiest when I ate meant (25 cent wing night made me go on some horrible benders... I did things... I'm... not proud of). And I know I'm not the healthiest now... but I'm a lot better than I used to be. I think the diet change plus the reduced stress of finally having grades ADDED to the fact that I started running, helped get it under control.

Oh and Shell... bean and cheese burritos are the BEST. Even as a meateater they were my old stand-by.

9:52 PM  

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