Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Procrastinatory Seminar Blues

So I'm taking a seminar, and it's incredible. The class is pretty easy, the subject matter is pretty interesting, and it's taught by a person who is a truly incredible legal mind (think 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges whose names start with "P"). The drawbacks are that the class has weekly papers... nothing big, 2-3 pages double-spaced. However this becomes a montrous burden on me because of my uncanny ability to waste time. God I've become so good at squandering my evenings IMing friends, watching TV, and... well that's pretty much it. Well, it's a little after 4am, and I FINALLY finished this week's paper. Good God man.

I think this must be a post 1L thing. I busted ass all last year, then slowly regressed into my natural state. So basically I dedicated one year of my life to being responsible, did well on 7 exams and a couple of papers, and now I can slack off and command a salary so high it feels like extortion... God Bless America.


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