Monday, August 29, 2005

Imagine What It's like for Tulane 1Ls

I feel really bad for the students at Tulane, especially the 1Ls. Imagine showing up for law school and having to evacuate a week later, unsure if you'll have an apartment or even a law school to come back to. This also has to screw up OCI for the 2Ls. The 3Ls... well they probably won't notice or care, but I'm sure it affects the others.

Anyway, it probably won't be as bad as everyone says. They had the same gruesome story about balls of fireants and poisonous snakes floating around the city, eating people who were stranded in a pool of molten toxic waste last year. An LSU professor said it "may be our Asian tsunami," let's not go overboard here guys. It's like the tsunami, except we've had several weeks to prepare for it, only 12 people are going to die, and those who lose their homes will actually get help, but other than that, yeah, it's totally like the tsunami. I sincerely hope I'm right about this, and we still have a place to celebrate Mardi Gras.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

And I'm Home

Wow. This place really isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The way people talked up this neighborhood I was expecting roving packs of feral hounds and the rusting burned-out shells of cars to dot the landscape Beirut-style. The place actually seems pretty nice for an urban area.

My apartment is... huge. For someone used to living in a studio, a two bedroom is ginormous. Also... I have a view of water from my living room :) I found the important stuff already (Read: Target, Law School), now I just have to wait until orientation/OCI start up!

Friday, August 26, 2005

The Move Resumes

My three week layover at the girlfriend's house is about to draw to a close. The car is packed, and my new home awaits! Next Stop: OCI

Stay tuned for the heart-warming season finale.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Olde Timey Barber Shoppe

I think I'm going to start going to an actual "barber" to get my hair cut, instead of Supercuts, or some place equally as crappy.

I went to a local barber, and it really didn't cost any more than a crappy chain salon, and the friendly banter was much more pleasant (As it turns out, I have more to talk about with a 50 year old barber than I do with the average 24 year old "stylist" at whatever Chop Shops I've been going to). The real selling point for the local barber shop is the quality of the haircut. The guy who cut my hair today was older than my dad, looked like he'd been doing it since he was younger than me, and only cut men's hair. I think his experience shows. So, back to the barber shop for me. I think I may get a shave next time. They also had this really cool vacuum attachment that sucked all the hair off my head when he was done... which is pretty damn good idea... I don't know why more places don't have them. I hate getting a short haircut and itching all the way home because my neck shoulders and back are covered in pieces of hair so small it feels like fiberglass.

In what may be the happiest news all summer:

It finally cooled off today. This summer has been unforgiveably hot. Seriously. This global warming thing will be the end of me. I wilt when it's over 72 degrees. Today is a very comfortable 68, and I am loving it. 68 and cloudy... with a slight breeze running through my freshly mowed hair, it truly gets no better than this.

Monday, August 22, 2005


He had a voice that could make a wolverine purr and suits so fine they made
Sinatra look like a hobo.

So I purchased new suits this weekend. I got some good deals too. I really like them... I love how nice suits make me look. I feel... so... hireable when I wear them. This is my last week at Chez Girlfriend. Which is really unfortunate, becuase I love it here. Mostly I love the fact that she's here, because I missed her over the last year. This time leaving won't be so bad though, because she'll only be 2 hours away, which is VERY driveable, as opposed to the 12 hours trek we had to make last year. Huzzah.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Action on the OCI front

So last week, I bid on all the firms I'd like to interview with at OCI.

This week, the scheduling Gods decide my fate.

I think the program is in the middle of being run, because I seem to have interviews for most of my choices, and a lot of firms now have "0" under 2L interviewing spots. If this is true, I'm incredibly happy, because I have around 30 interviews.

Monday, August 15, 2005


My girlfriend's granparents own this cabin out near a lake. We went out there this weekend to do some fishing and vacationing, but mostly fishing. As it turns out, my girlfriend is quite the fisherwoman. She singlehandedly destroyed the sunfish population of this lake, and put quite a dent in the number of bass living there as well. I caught a few myself (4 sunfish), but it's obvious she's the one with the provider skills :) Way to bring food back to the cave Snubsette!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

My 100th Post!

I looked at the dashboard when I logged in, and I realized that this would by my 100th post.

In other news, my new school's On Campus Interviewing process is awesome. I get to bid on 50 firms. This sounds like a great deal right? It's incredible. But there's a catch... I can't even name 50 firms, much less 50 firms I want to work for. So today I've been busily reading the free stuff from and, trying to get a handle on who I'm asking to interview with. My conclusion: There are a lot of incredible places out there that I'd like to work at. So now I'm back to square one. In the end I just picked 45ish firms in places that I want to work. They do a fair amount of litigation, and they all seem like pretty good places to hang my hat after law school. Now that the bait's out there, I just have to see who'll bite :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Busier than I ever was.

Now that I've moved I have more time to devote to working. I really want to get this article done for Prof. X before school starts, so I am moving along at full steam.

I still haven't heard from the guy at the apartment I applied to. It's been about a week. I really should get on this stuff.

I haven't been able to do ANY fishing since I got here, which is a total bummer, but I've been able to see my girlfriend and get much needed work/sleep out of the way. I lead a truly exciting life :)

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Base Camp

So I've reached the girlfriend's house. I'll be spending a few weeks here, then taking off for school. I am so tired. Yesterday I drove across three and a half states (and not those tiny "states" as they call them in New England either, real ones, ones with square and rectangular shapes).

Yesterday a classmate of mine got the phone call from my school. It appears as though I'll have company next year. This is good. I like her.

Friday, August 05, 2005

It's not the "moving"

It's not the "moving" part of moving that really bothers me. It's the packing and cleaning. Here I sit, laptop laying on my desk chair (which is the lone piece of still assembled furniture in my apartment). I have packed up all the stuff I care about, and thrown away the other half. Now I'm surrounded by little things that probably aren't worth moving, but I can't bear to part with them... They're my "gray" possessions.

After I load up the car, I get to spend all day cleaning my apartment. Hell. Pure Hell. I brought this on myself though, I didn't do ANYTHING to prepare for this until 12 hours ago, when I half-heartedly disassembled my bed, and then rewarded myself with a snack.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Bidding starts for On Campus Interviews at the end of the week!

I'm having one of "good" problems. I logged onto the site where all the employers are listed, and there are OVER FIVE HUNDRED. How in God's name am I going to wade through all of these firms, and figure out who to bid on? Ugh. I need information, so that I can make a spreadsheet, and let my OCD loose.

Anyway, I was productive as hell today. I managed to get my apartment application in for my new home, and I managed to get my financial aid applications mailed off. Also, I sent out official transcript requests. Things I still need to do:

1) reactivate AAA membership (my car sucks... I really need that extended towing package)

2) get an oil change

3) finish off the resume and upload it.

4) find out stuff 'bout jobs!

5) clean my apt. out and get ready to move in with the girlfriend for a month (she's housing me until my lease starts on Aug. 27th)

So much to do... but it seems so simple when it's broken down like that.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Sadness sets in.

Today I'm temporarily upset. This is because I am finally coming to terms with the fact that I'll be leaving some really good friends here. I'm still incredibly excited about my new school, but I'm kind of sad that I will have to say goodbye to all my friends. Actually, I won't even get to say goodbye to a sizeable chunk of them, since they're out of town for the summer and won't be coming back until well after I leave (which is this Friday, for those keeping score at home). So that's been bothering me today.

Also something that's been bothering me is a friend of mine... This person isn't having the luck I had in the transfer applicant cycle. I don't know what the problem is. Friend X is just as qualified as I am. I am really hoping Friend X gets into my school, because a) Friend X deserves this, and b) it would be nice to have someone from "home" around next year.

So good luck Friend X. I hope you get the news you're looking for this week.