Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I just had an IM conversation with a friend. He's one of those guys who always says exactly what he's thinking, and has a complete disregard for societal norms. He's sending an e-mail to a firm, in the hopes that someone at said firm will give him the e-mail address of a girl he saw at their softball game. Let's listen in:

Friend: Hi, this is Friend X of Firm Y (para legal for the summer and a rising 2L at Random Law School begining the fall). I have a...unique request, and I was hoping you would help me out. After our softball game last week, my firm was leaving when I saw a young woman from your team - somewhere in her 20's - whom I wanted to meet. Our teams don't play against one-another until later in June, but here's my request. Would it be possible if you give me her email address so I can contact her. Granted you aren't a dating service, but I still want to give this a shot.

The girl is Asian-American, very pretty, and seemed friendly when we made brief eye-contact several times. She also went to the same bar that I was at after the game, but there wasn't much of an opportunity for me to greet her, as she was constantly surrounded by your team.
Thank you for getting back to me. I hope I'm not imposing too much.

Take care,

Friend X

Snubligent: who are you sending that to?

Friend: law firm

Snubligent: i wholeheartedly support you doing this

Snubligent: in fact i think you should just randomly e-mail firms and ask them if they have any hot chicks working there

Friend: lol

Friend: fuck u

Snubligent: i'm just curious

Snubligent: do you actually not recognize that this is a bad idea or are you just fucking around?

Friend: no, i'm doing it

Snubligent: i don't believe you

Friend: i don't lie about girls

Snubligent: could you at least take the name of our school out of it so you don't make us all look bad?

Friend: too late

Friend: gotta meet her somehow

Friend: and to hell with pride

Snubligent: i can't possibly understand how you can think this is appropriate

Apparently my friend doesn't realize a) how creepy that is, or b) how easy it is to "forward an e-mail." I honestly think it's hilarious that he's doing it, because it's just so goddamned WRONG. I find it hilarious in the same way it's hilarious when people hurt themselves on Jackass.

Now It's Up to Me

Prof. Y finished my letter of recommendation today. This is the second LOR I've got from a prof. Now that this has been taken care of, the only thing left to do is spend a weekend on my applications and wait/pray.

You know what the best part of my job is?

It's the naptime. That's right, I get a nap if I want it. And I think I want one. And I think I'll take it now.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Actually, that was a nice little Memorial Day

That WAS a nice Memorial Day. I went to a friend's house, and we ordered chinese food and ate, then we sat outside and played boules (it's like the French version of Bocce). It was really relaxing. I got to see a few people who I haven't seen all summer. Basically we just sat there, drank beer, and talked about our jobs/summers/relationships and played boules... much like old people. Actually that's a damn fine way of describing it, like a bunch of old people. I guess that's what we all become eventually, middle class suburbanite slobs.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Post Secret: A Disturbing Break from Work

A friend sent me a link to this site. It's amazingly dark, but I can't stop reading it for some reason. It's like reality TV, only more reality and less TV.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Clarifications, Excuses, and Explanations

I reread some of my old posts. The fact that I have openly stated that I want to transfer may make it seem like I expect to do well again. This is false. I hope to do well. I know for a fact that I'm not one of the brighter bulbs in my class, but I am good at gaming systems, and I figured out how to game the law school exam system last semester pretty damn well. HOWEVER, this semester, all the people who are smarter than me probably figured it out too, so I am honestly not "expecting" the same grades I got last semester, and I'm honestly not "expecting" to transfer to new school, But I am "hoping" to do both. My reasons for wanting to transfer aren't just prestige related. I love my school, and it would actually be a very very hard choice to leave it if I get onto law review. But there are personal reasons for me wanting to transfer. I want to be near my family/friends/girlfriend who put up with a long distance relationship the entire year while I was in law school and didn't call her often enough.

Everything I say that I "want," I'm hoping for... not expecting. There is nothing worse than the idiot who assumes they're going to do well on a law school exam. You have no idea how you did, and you're an arrogant prick if you assume you beat 90% of the people in your class. The second you start expecting to get A's is the second you deserve to stop getting them...

Now, back to my law review write-on competition/video games.

The Dumbest Thing I ever Did

I purchased World of Warcraft (WoW) today. This may possibly be the dumbest move I've ever made. I've got work + law review write-on + personal statements to write. Fudge it. I have a feeling I'll pay mightily for this, but dammit, I've wanted this game for the last 7 months... it's time for me to have some fun.

Dinner with My Boss

I had dinner at the boss' house tonight. It went pretty well. I may as well come out and say it, I doubt anyone will ever a) read this or b) be able to put two and two together to figure out who I am. I'm a research assistant for my contracts professor. It is amazing. I love my job. Basically Prof. X gives me something to read, and I go read it, then I think about it, then I tell Prof. X what I think. I get PAID to read and give my opinion on things, and also do some editing grunt work, but even that's enjoyable. The only bad part about my job? Prof. X is brilliant, much more intelligent than I am, and I'm expected to find problems with the various arguments Prof. X is making in his papers. However, this "problem" of being challenged intellectually is hardly anything to complain about, it's certainly better than most of my previous jobs. I haven't really talked about my work experience. To quote Wayne's World "I have an extensive collection of nametags and hairnets." So this job seems really cool to me. Basically all the problems are "good problems" at this job.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Sua Sponte

I added a link to Sua Sponte, now that's a blog. It's actually damned entertaining, plus she is getting ready to graduate from Chicago (she transferred to a school on the quarter system in Chicago... this doesn't leave a lot of room for speculation). Anyway, she's pretty much my new hero. *I* want to transfer to Chicago :) I think I should devote an evening to reading her archives... Hopefully dear reader, this blog will grow to be so entertaining in time (but realistically probably not).

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Since this blog is purportedly about "law school" and "things affecting law students," I figured I'd post something about "the law." Here is a piece from legal affairs that I found incredibly interesting. Apparently Mr. Justice Blackmun was a bigger slacker than me.

Star Wars Review: SPOILERS!

I've got to do this. Since everyone on the freaking PLANET has seen Episode III, and is now vigorously debating it over the internet, I feel compelled to throw my two cents in.

First of all, this was by far the best of the prequels. It had an unbeatable lack of Jar-Jar in it, and it almost restored by faith in the franchise. However, there were some problems. First of all, Windu v. Emperor was just sad. It looked like two out of shape fat guys trying to have an epic battle. And the "Noooooooo! Noooooooooo!" crap was just awful. This was the single low-point of the movie.

There are some continuity problems. First of all, remember when Leia says she remembers her REAL mother? Well she doesn't, unless she remembers her own birth. Second of all, how in the hell is it that Obi-Wan v. Annakin ends so abruptly? These guys battle it out over river of lava for like half an hour, while standing on rocks that are no more than 16 square feet, but Obi-Wan gets the high ground by three feet and the fight is over. This also brings up another point... how in God's name did Annakin catch fire while laying 5 feet away from the river of molten lava, but both he and Obi-Wan managed to survive battling literally inches away from the river for a VERY long time without burning alive? Now I know it's a movie and I should just relax... but damn.

The most unintentionally hilarious element of the movie was Palpatine's relationship with Annakin. The whole time I kept thinking about a rapo-molesto trying to get a young, impressionable boy into his van "No no Annakin, it is totally natural to experiment with the dark side of the force, I want you to meet me in my office, alone, at night."

All in all though, I think it was good, the fight scenes were great in general, and the movie tied up all the loose ends. The big question now is: How much is Lucas going to try to screw us for the 6 movie DVD box set gold platinum 48 disc special feature edition? My guess: $200

Darwinian Justice

Somehow, I really don't feel sorry for these guys. I mean, loving star wars is one thing, but these people have got to be mildly retarded. I know that I should feel bad for them, but seriously, how can you say they didn't have it coming?

More Grade Anxiety

You know, I was talking to a prof, and I was told that I should relax about grades. I started thinking about it... I want to know why it is that I'm so worked up about them. I think there are two reasons:

1) By being near the top of my class last semester I raised the bar so high that I feel like I'll be letting myself down if I don't get a 3.8, and

2) As a law student, I think we're all self-selected to be douchebag grade-whores. Seriously, everyone wants to be the best, even if nobody will admit it. Second semester people's goals start to change... those who talked about wanting to work for Big Law Firm X at the begining of the year suddenly have much more modest public interest goals, as they now realize that their GPA 1st semester pretty much precludes them from being the best. The people who did well on the other hand... they retain their gradewhore nature, but now it's more pronounced, because 75% of the class has renounced it. It's also worse because of the pressure of increased expectations I talked about earlier.

3) By being in law school, I think we are groomed to be anxious. Think about it, in law school, you never study what happens when things go "according to plan." In torts you study the most bizarre and improbable freak accidents imagineable. In contracts you study every conceivable way parties try to screw each other over in business dealings. In crim law, you study crimes that are both amusing and grisly. Basically in all of your common law courses, the worst case is consistently beaten into you, so that's all you look for.

Anyway, I think this plus the fact that I *know* my grades are done and are just waiting to be released to me are responsible for my anxiety... You can say that it's because I'm a gunner, or that I'm a tool, but really, any person in the first year class who got my grades last semester would be acting the same way. And for good reason, I'm at the point now where an A- lowers my GPA, a B would make a major dent in it. Of course I'm going to freak out, I've got a shot at law review, transferring, the plum jobs at OCI next year... I have everything to lose here.

I love The Onion.

This guy seems to have crawled into my head and drawn what goes on inside.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Internet TV

Man, thank God for internet tv. No commercials, only the shows you want to watch. Anyway, I turned in more work yesterday, it wasn't that good. I feel bad, because I've turned in two written pieces of work product so far this summer, and both of them have been crappy. Actually the first one wasn't bad, but the thing I handed in yesterday was really bad... I don't think I actually did what I was supposed to.

I know that my profs are done grading exams. I already found out my legal writing grade (I got an A... which I'm incredibly happy about). This semester is different. We're all working, and we're all in town, and we all know that our grades are just sitting in the registrar's office, waiting to be released. Waiting for grades is actually worse than taking the damn exams.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Tomorrow's the big day! Time to hand in some written work... I really need to get moving on this. It's what? 3:30pm and I'm still in my underwear. hehe, it's gonna be another late night.

Monday, May 23, 2005

I'm a total failure!

But that's ok... I don't have to meet with the boss today, so I can continue to be lazy... I swear to God this will catch up with me sometime. Anway, I checked out the websites of all the schools I'm planning on applying to as a transfer student. Most of them won't accept applications before June 1, so I can put that off another week. I've still got to do the law review write-on thing though, which is craptastic.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

To Do List:

1) Finish the work that I was supposed to be doing all week

2) Begin filling out my transfer applications tonight

3) Read law review write-on packet.

By tonight I hope to have accomplished #1 and hopefully I'll have written one or two statements for transfer apps.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get #3 taken care of, and hopefully send off two or three transfer apps. I figure I can use this blog as sort of a "to do list." This way my personal failure will be staring me in the face if I don't accomplish what I need to.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Takin' it easy, which is NOT the same as being lazy.

Actually it is. The laziness continues. I already feel like a total fraud for having done well last semester. If I manage to do well in my job while pulling this kind of shit, I think I'll lose faith in the entire system. (Un)Fortunately I don't think I'll have to worry about that... my work product has been crap so far this summer, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

How did I become so damned lazy?

Seriously... I can't wake up before noon, I can't accomplish simple tasks... Staying at the library for 40 hours a week is hard. I'm going to pull half an all-nighter to get this draft done tonight. And it's totally my fault... I should've been doing this like for the last week. Whatever. I got my legal writing grade back, I got an A, hopefully this isn't my last A... I'm afraid to even check. Property was a disaster, and I've got to wait another month to survey the damage.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Work Is Rough!

Man, I never realized how tough sitting in the library for 8 hours was before I started work. Work is fun, but it's hard. I must be getting old. I can only go for about 5 hours before I need to take a nap :)

Monday, May 09, 2005


Figured I do some of that ranting that my blog's supposed to be about. My prediction for the summer: It's gonna be boring. Nobody's on IM, half the people I know are out of town, and the ones who are here are all going to work at different places. We're going to have to deal with 1) the weirdness of being numerically ranked against one another in about 6 weeks, 2) the fact that some people in the class have jobs that pay $2200 a week, some have jobs that pay $12.00 an hour, some had to work for free, and still others don't have jobs at all, 3) the law review write-on competition starts Monday. All three of these things seem like they're going to stratify the class into different sections... a year ago we were all totally equal, when the dust settles and grades get released, we're going to know just how "unequal" we really are. It really sucks that they have to rank us. I honestly don't think that the people at the top of the class are really any smarter than the people at the bottom. By the time you get to law school you've pretty much filtered out all the people who are "not spectacular" as far as intelligence goes. This curve thing just seems cruel.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

That was a fun vacation!

I'm still not sure what to do with myself. Luckily work will take care of that bright and early Monday morning. It is bad that my summer break is only going to be two days, but it is good that I got the job that I wanted, and I'll be getting paid to do it. I consider myself to be quite lucky. Now all I need is to pray that I got good grades, and get my transfer applications in the mail. Oh, I alos have to call my mom for her "special day." I'm glad she's away on business, because the card isn't going to get there until Wednesday.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Ahhhh... I'm done!

Well... the first year's over. That was a crappy climax. I just finished the final, and left. Everyone else had their last final on Tuesday. Anyway, the year is over. I get to party this weekend, and start work on Monday. It just feels really weird being done. Because I'm so nervous about grades I can't really enjoy the "being done" part. Well, that's not entirely true, it's good that it's over. I just hope that I didn't mess up my GPA. I went into this round of finals with the possibility of transferring to a really good school, or staying here and grading on to law review. Hopefully I didn't preclude that with that mess of vomit I call my property exam.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Man It's Nice Outside

This is the first truly nice sunny day of the year. Most of my section has had their last final. There're only abour 50 1L's who have any more finals. I'm sitting in the library watching people outside. Motivation to study is just not happening. I catch myself thinking "hmmm, it's only a 3 credit class..." yikes.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


That test was God-awful. I literally knew less than 50% of the material. I finished about an hour early. Awful.

Panic Time

No, not really. I'm just resigned at this point. I think I taught myself the basics of property law. I have a unique new strategy for this exam. I'm going to find out what's on the exam when it starts, and I'm going to teach myself the relevant law during the exam. It'll be fun.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Twenty-Twenty-Twenty-Four Hours to Go... I wanna be Shot in the Face

Yeah.. that's right. It sucks. I'm rapidly approaching freak out time. I honestly can't fathom taking this exam tomorrow. I've gone over the basic concepts, but any sort of application will have to be done rigidly through the structure of my outline. I don't know this shit at all.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Property... It's just no good.

So, I'm about 12 hours into studying for property, and you know what? This stuff is pretty damned confusing. We're not talking about torts or crim law here, this is nuts. I hate the library at 2am during finals week. So many nerdy undergrads. What the hell are undergrads doing at the library for finals in the first place, much less at 2am on a Saturday. They should all be drunk somewhere.