Saturday, February 25, 2006


To do list:

Tomorrow wake up, go running.

Go to library. Outline Federal Jurisdiction for 12 hours.

Go home at 1:30.

Wake up. Outline Federal Jurisdiction for 8 hours.

Read for Monday classes.

Contemplate crappiness of life around finals.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Also, my arms still hurt. But I went to the gym again yesterday.

I'm running 4 miles at a time now! Of course it takes me about 38 minutes to do this, and I'm rapidly approaching the 45 minute time limit on our gym equipment... so it looks like I'll have to start running faster if I want to go farther.

Technical Difficulties

Damn this laptop. Apparently it's nearing the end of its lifespan. Imagine if you took a newspaper article, cut a quarter inch strip out of the middle, and glued the two halves back together again (so that a line and a half of text was missing). That's what my screen looks like.

Now I have to figure out what kind of laptop I want to get. I can either get a cheap-o one that will do what I need it to for school, and purchase a desktop this summer... this will cost me about the same as a really NICE laptop (one that is nice enough to play games on). The advantage is that I can defer paying the extra $1400 until the summer if I get the cheap laptop/desktop combo. I could also buy on credit. But I have an irrational aversion to consumer debt. The disadvantage is that I will no longer be able to fit all my earthly possessions into my car (those desktops are big, and need even bigger monitors). In any event, a decision must be made soon.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

So... Sore

Holy God my arms feel like they're going to fall off.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

More Eats

I found a really good place tonight. It's a middle eastern joint not too far from here. Very good lamb. I lifted weights today in a most XTREME fashion (afterwards I chugged some Mountain Dew and shouted at traffic). It turns out that you become very very weak if you don't exercise for a prolonged period of time. Yeah, who'd have thought?

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Food n' Fun

I ate at a fantastic little place tonight. It serves Fried Chicken/Soul food, and Indian food. It was the most bizarre combination of delicious I've had in a long time.

I told my friend about it afterwards. She told me she ate there once and found mealworms in her rice.

Damn. I thought I'd found a new takeout place. Guess not.

In other crushing news, finals season is once more upon us. This zany quarter system has been screwing with me hardcore. I started class Jan. 2nd, my first final is on March 9th. Yippee!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Halfway There

Tonight our school had a dinner for the 2Ls commemorating the halfway mark of our legal education. We're halfway through the second quarter of our second year... We're halfway home.

Though faint, the light at the end is there. I know I'll be swimming in it soon enough. The worst is behind us. After the crucible of 1L it is apparent that the end is not only in sight, it is inevitable. There is no more time for second thoughts. We're past the point of no return.

Oh Thank God...

What is that season that we were supposed to be having for the last 3 months but haven't been? Winter. Right.

Well, thank God, old man winter finally remembered us, and it's really snowing for the SECOND time this year. I'm also driving to the real frozen north after class tomorrow! So I'll be getting the real thing. Wow... it's almost blizzarding out now!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Eff you Holmgren

That was some real nice clock management. Usually when you're down by 11 with 7 minutes to go you display some sense of urgency, but not you! Yeah, we got screwed on a couple of calls, but between Hasselbeck squandering the last minute of the first half with his tomfoolery, and you dicking around for the last half of the 4th quarter, I think it's fair to say we lost that one on our own.

Ah well. It's probably better that we lost. People living in Pittsburgh have so little going for them already.

Don't Let Me Down

Dear Seattle:

I grew up with your crappy sports teams. It's ok. Really. You were such an awesome city that I didn't mind the fact that the Mariners were perennial cellar-dwellers, except for that one season they actually made it to the ALCS and were shelled by the Yankees... of course I was abroad for the last half of the season, and couldn't watch any of it, and you ultimately lost, but that's ok. I forgave you. I remember the Seahawks... well actually I don't remember the Seahawks winning a playoff game, because I think I was like 9 the last time it happened... That's ok, I forgive you again.

I remember when the Mariners rammed that goddamned stadium down our throats, even though it failed miserably as a referendum (twice if memory serves), and is the reason we now have like a 9% sales tax in King County. I remember the Seahawks showing up not to far behind the Mariners, sticking their hands out for some new stadium action as well. I remember the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars we poured into your new home.

I grew up there. I paid taxes. My family still lives there. I want results. Just win baby.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Procrastinatory Seminar Blues

So I'm taking a seminar, and it's incredible. The class is pretty easy, the subject matter is pretty interesting, and it's taught by a person who is a truly incredible legal mind (think 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges whose names start with "P"). The drawbacks are that the class has weekly papers... nothing big, 2-3 pages double-spaced. However this becomes a montrous burden on me because of my uncanny ability to waste time. God I've become so good at squandering my evenings IMing friends, watching TV, and... well that's pretty much it. Well, it's a little after 4am, and I FINALLY finished this week's paper. Good God man.

I think this must be a post 1L thing. I busted ass all last year, then slowly regressed into my natural state. So basically I dedicated one year of my life to being responsible, did well on 7 exams and a couple of papers, and now I can slack off and command a salary so high it feels like extortion... God Bless America.