Tuesday, May 30, 2006

That was just... wrong.

So you know how the proctor always reads the standard law school exam instructions, and you zone out like it's a pre-takeoff aircraft safety demonstration because you've heard them about 22 times before?

I did that today at the test.

And then she got to the part you have to listen to: the professor's instructions. These can vary somewhat, so you have to pay attention. The proctor read them, and the last thing on the list:

"6) Enjoy the exam, it's a doozy!"

The crappy part is, he wasn't lying.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Tomorrow's the big day. I try to study, really I do. However Internet distractions are many, and time, my immortal and unstoppable enemy, continues marching on. That evil juggernaut seems to pay no attention to this mortal's needs.

I'm oddly ok with this. First quarter I proved to myself that I can do well here. Second quarter I proved to myself that I can do poorly here, and third quarter I think I'm proving to myself that I don't care anymore.

I think I may have reached law school nirvana: Perspective.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Scandalous! *gasp... swoon*

I've decided... NOT to make an evidence outline. Why? Because I have NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL I'M DOING.

Seriously, the "casebook" was a hornbook, and we were reading 35-50 pages per class. There is no conceivable way I'm going to be able to plow through all that in the next few days. Especially considering I have two other finals and the nice weather to contend with.

In addition, the good people at our local BLSA seem to have posted, what appears to *me* to be an incredibly sweet outline from someone who had my professor, on their website.

In 7 days and 12 hours I will be a 3L, I will be making gobs and gobs of money, and I won't be outlining.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Internet Radio

I just discovered Internet radio... so now I can listen to my favorite stations from back home. I cant describe how fraggin' sweet this is.

In other news, the outline train chugs onward. I think I'm going to go back to briefing. I seriously can't stand re-reading all the cases, and I don't/can't pay attention in class, so my notes are crappy. Ugh. So much easier to cut and paste from briefs.

Most of my friends are taking early finals, which means they'll be starting tomorrow (actually today) at 2pm. I'm way too smart for that. I'm taking regular finals, which gives me an extra week to study. I can't fathom how my friends can possibly be ready for exams tomorrow. Our last day of classes was Friday for God's sake.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Yacht Rock!

A friend from my old school sent me a link to this. Apparently one of his brother's friends is involved with it. I was expecting to find some piece of horribly made crap, but I am utterly astonished by how GOOD Yacht Rock is.

Maybe it helps that I love really smoothe music... I don't know. All I know right now is that school continues to suck, and jokes about Michael McDonald and Kenny Loggins make me laugh.

Radio Silence

Not a lot to report. I'm two thirds done with one of my outlines, which is good, because I have 2 weeks until finals. I have 110 pages of reading for my class on Monday, which is bad, because our "casebook" is a hornbook. A triple-digit reading assignment in a hornbook is just out of line.

There is no way I will be ready for class. This may actually be an interesting exercise in game theory:

He allows us to email him in advance if we don't want to be called on, and he's broken the class up into 3 panels, so 1/3 of the class is "on call" for Monday.

I'm betting that a lot of people will not be ready, and will email him.

This makes the odds of me getting called even higher.

This makes marginally prepared students (like myself) want to email him as well, which increases the chances of the remaining panel members getting called on....

The least prepared among them will have to reassess their position in light of the increased chance they'll be called on and may decide to email the professor as well...

And the Cascade effect continues until there's one gunner who's ready to roll on Monday.

God I'm tired.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Compulsive Behavior

Here's to another night wasted on video games. God forbid I do something productive. At least it's only 4:15 this time.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

My Culinary Powers Grow

So I've been watching the burrito guys make my burritos, and tonight I decided to try on my own. The results: Pretty good. Placing the entire burrtito on the stove and grilling it until the tortilla is light brown really makes a difference.

I picked up that trick watching the pros.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Congratulations To Eveyrone!

Everyone but those of us languishing on the south side. While everyone at all normal law schools are a week away from being done (or in some cases, actually ARE done), I have another month of suffering in this inferno of hellish reading/outlining/paper writing.

I know a guy from my high school class who just graduated. Man. I feel like the kid who got left back a grade because of my little "break" after college.