Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Fa-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la

It is truly effing Baltic up here, which is good. I love the cold, I love the snow, and I love Christmas. So I'm with the family, where the laundry is free and so is the food!

Also, I'd like to welcome my girlfriend to the blog. Now there are two people I know in real life who read this damn thing... I'll have to start watching what I say.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Damn these Hands!

Why is it that I suck so badly at all things requiring a modicum of artistic ability? I just wrapped my girlfriend's present and it looks like a 4 year old tore up some wrapping paper and taped the scraps around the gift. I must've used half a damn roll of scotch tape.

The Long, Cold Break.

It's been snowing for two solid days in the great white north. Of course the good news coming out of all of this is that I got to go sledding last night. The bad news is, a slow drive over sloppy backwoods roads to my dad's house up in the great great white north.

So I hate the time between exams and grades more than anything. Waiting for grades over Christmas break casts a pall over an otherwise happy time. In a few weeks I'll forget all about it, then start chewing my fingernails again when grades are about to be released.

As for now, It's time to go buy my girlfriend her Christmas present. I can't say what it is, because I'm blogging on her computer... and she checks her history bar :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Today I woke up at 4 in the afternoon and didn't put pants on until 9 o'clock. I spent 5 hours playing video games and 3 hours watching a movie at my friend's apartment.

I truly lead a purpose driven life.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Finally... Peace

Took the last final today. What kind of a sick sadistic school has finals on Sunday mornings you may ask? Mine does.

Friday, December 09, 2005

The Torment Continues

So that's what "not finishing a law school exam feels like."

Ok. I think I can handle that. The thing is, I could've been more prepared for that test. I could've internalized concepts. I could've memorized the case holdings or "relevant strains of law" before the exam. I could've actually taken the practice test. I could've...

And here is where I stop myself, because the exam is over, and the past cannot be changed.

However, I will allow myself to worry about the future, so for the next 6 weeks (or however long it takes them to get grades back at this place), I will fret... over that which I cannot change. I'm a man full of contradictions.

One more on Sunday (godless heathen), and then, sweet release.