Saturday, December 30, 2006


When I was in college, and I came home for the holidays/summers, I had a habit of driving around my home town at night. I've always been a night owl, and I usually didn't feel like going to bed when everyone else did, so I'd just drive around. I think I did it out of restlessness. Sometimes I felt like getting on I-90 and driving east until I found something interesting. When I drove past the freeway at night I always thought it would be kind of cool to just get on it and drive until morning... call my family from some pay phone in a tiny town in Montana and tell them where I was and that I didn't know when I'd be back. I always thought that would be kind of liberating.

One day, I got my wish. My LSAT score wasn't good enough to get me into the public school here, but I figured I had a decent shot at another really good public school. This school wait-listed me in the winter of 2003, so it seemed like they were interested. I found out they gave preference to state residents, so I looked up the residency statutes. I figured out how to get residency in a year, then I got on the freeway and I drove east.

I was able to transfer there with my job (which wasn't hard... retail workers are completely fungible), get an apartment, meet the girlfriend, fall in love, and get myself wait-listed and rejected by the public school in my new state of residency. This of course, was soul-crushing. Rejection meant telling the girlfriend's family, my coworkers, my family, my friends, and most of all, the girlfriend, that I had invested a year of my life trying to accomplish something, and failed miserably. It meant that I was basically in the same position I was a year earlier, except now I had an awesome girlfriend and had to leave her. This was pretty much the low-water mark of my adult life. Luckily, my safety school still admitted me, and gave me the same small scholarship they had offered me the year before. So reluctantly, I got on the freeway, and I drove east.

When I got there, I figured I'd already sacrificed a year of my life, signed on for six figures worth of student loans, and left an amazing woman to give myself a shot at this law school thing, so I'd best make the most of it. This seems to have lit a fire under my ass, because I did well. Well enough to transfer. The school that wait-listed me twice? The FINALLY admitted me... as a transfer. But by then another school had admitted me, one which I would've gnawed off my own hand to attend. So I got on the freeway and I drove west! And to top it all off, girlfriend and I decided we could handle a long distance relationship until I was done with school (especially since we were now only three hours apart).

After this year, I'll be driving west again... but not very far. As of this June, it'll have been 4 years since I first drove east... and it looks like I won't ever be coming back for any length of time. Now when I come home I still drive around my old home town late at night. For some reason driving by all of my friend's old houses and the places I used to hang out at comforts me. It's weird. I get all nostalgic. This is the place where I grew up, and pretty much every street triggers some kind of very fond memory of my adolescence. Tonight I drove past the house where I grew up, the houses of about 5 of my really good friends from high school, my old middle school, my favorite curvy road (it's really fun to drive on it), and a couple of my old places of employment.

Until tonight, my nostalgia was always sort of heavy and sad. I accepted the fact that I'll never work or live around my home town a long, long time ago, but that doesn't mean I don't miss it. Tonight's drive was different though. This was the first time I've been home since I accepted my job offer. Tonight I drove around knowing that I'll have a definite home to go back to after this school year. I'm no longer a transient who's lived in 5 different cities in the last 5 years, I'm a guy who knows where he'll be living for the next 5 years, maybe even 10, hell maybe even 50, and I'm pretty sure I know who I'll be living with. I think that colored tonight's drive. I think I missed the idea of having a home more than I missed living in the home town itself. Tonight I drove around my old home town and I was able to simply appreciate it for what it is, for what it was, for what it did, for how it shaped me, and for the memories I have of it. I just smiled as I drove around and felt the memories ebb and flow through and around me. I didn't feel the sense of loss that I usually feel when I think about the good ole' days... I think it's because I finally know where my new home is now. I don't feel like the center has dropped out of me every 12 months when my lease is up and I have to move to a new state.

In 2003 I set out to scratch that itch that had been bugging me since roughly 1998, and I drove east... the goal of course was to attend law school, but I also just wanted to find out what was out there. And I drove east... and I found it:

It's home.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Hurricane force winds: Not just for Florida anymore!

We haven't had a storm this bad since January of '93... when I was stuck in my middle school classroom for 6 hours without power and a tree fell on our school, then we were stuck in the dark at my house for about a week without power.

We got lucky this time, my mom's place didn't lose power at all. About half my friends are still in the dark though.

Other than that... break has been kind of weird. This is the first time coming home has felt "temporary." My move to the midwest has always seemed sort of like a temporary phase, and for some reason the move now feels permanent, and I feel kind of like a visitor in my old home. I think it's because I accepted an offer with the firm. Now I there are no more maybes or ifs about my future. I know where I'm going to be after school, and it isn't here. It's kind of sad actually. It will probably be a lot harder to keep in touch with friends once I start working, and it will be damn near impossible to come out to visit for extended periods of time.

So I guess I'm officially a transplant now. I wonder if I need to renounce my citizenship or anything...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Mama I'm Coming Home

Sorry for the title. I'm in an Ozzie kind of mood.

Back in the great rainy north.

I'd like to say that I'm not doing anything school related for the next 3 weeks. Unfortunately I've got two papers that need writing, and if I don't finish them at some point, I won't be graduating.

Who the hell am I kidding? I'll be writing these damn things in May.

I've also come to the conclusion that I use too many ellipses in my non-legal writing.

That is all...

Monday, December 11, 2006

And we're done.

Took my last exam today. Thank God that's over... so It wasn't pretty, but it's done, and tomorrow I go back to my homeland... the great rainy north (as opposed to the frozen north, which is my adopted homeland).

I found this guy's blog, and I was absolutely convinced that this was just elaborately constructed flame... nobody can be this dumb. Then I saw this. Now I'm pretty sure a bunch of guys at Stanford decided to genetically engineer the perfect douchebag, but part of my still wants to believe that people this cannot possibly be this idiotic. I actually feel dumber for having read his story. It's like he's incapable of comprehending his own incompetence. It's like if the "Dude Where's my Car" guys somehow managed to find a $2 million line of credit.

Maybe he's the smartest guy on the Internet though... maybe he's just fooling everyone and that he isn't actually the dumbest human being alive. I actually feel more comfortable with that proposition than I do with the one where he's real.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Fun with exams.

First of all, I passed the MPRE, so that's good.

Second of all, I took a final today, and that's not so good. At the beginning of the quarter the professor said "this is a difficult class," because "there is a right answer in this course." He said that unlike constitutional law, "you can't fake it" in here. And you know what? He's right. As I moved from issue to issue in the exam I thought "Damn, the code really does provide a single right answer for everything. I have no business taking this class."

I think I dealt with it well though. We all remember that I had a friend who went to my 1L school and then transferred here as well? Well, after the final I offhandedly told her that it was "pretty straightforward" and that I "went home and studied [the last issue on the exam] for about 3 solid hours last night, and I think I really nailed it." No my friend is neurotic as all hell (she didn't get the memo: we're 3Ls with jobs at a top school... it's ok to start phoning this in), and she got a real panicked look, so I told her I was kidding. Then we went and got breakfast.

After that I dicked around on the Internet for about 4 hours while pretending to study, then I slept for 2 hours. Then I ate dinner, then I came home. Then I spent about 2 hours looking through the archives of this blog, now I'm going to bed.

I have two more finals. One on Saturday, one on Monday. I haven't studied at all for either of them. I'm starting to think the reason I did half-way decent as a 2L is because there were lazy jackass 3Ls like me who were content to do nothing and fill out the bottom end of the curve. I'm really taking dead aim at the median and hoping to get there, though that may not happen given my near total lack of preparation and ability to motivate myself.

I feel like I spent 1L clawing my way to the top, then I spent 2L proving to myself that I belonged here. Now I'm spending 3L playing video games and enjoying the fruits of my labor. When I got here my goal was to graduate with a gpa that put me over the hypothetical median here. So far that's happening. If I'm in danger of losing that... then I guess I'll start working harder. Right now I just don't have the motivation to do what is necessary to achiev excellence. Last Spring I busted ass after getting trounced in the Winter... maybe this Winter I'll get mad as hell at the grades I made this Fall and bust ass. Meh. Maybe. I dunno.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Not MPREssed.

Please forgive the title, I couldn't help myself.

The MPRE sucks. Hard. Maybe I don't have ethical instincts. Maybe I had ethical instincts at one point and my school beat them out of me. The entire time I kept thinking "Damn, I don't know what the rule is, but I can tell you d) *should* be right, because parties should be allowed to contract around this." There were also a couple of questions where I thought "I'm pretty sure the *right* answer is a), but man, it really doesn't seem to produce the proper incentive alignment, that can't be the right default..."

I felt like the exam was actually a lot harder than the practice tests were. Due to my somewhat tardy registration, I also had a horrible testing center. It was located at the corner of "69th and Don't Shoot Me." I don't even understand why it's a testing center. It's a horribly inconvenient location for pretty much every law student in the city.

At least I get to spend tomorrow morning with Article 9. Article 9 understands efficiency. Article 9 isn't all caught up in this "what's right and fair" business. Screw you MPRE.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Month of Silence

Wow. It's been a month. I certainly have been lazy.

So what's been going on?

Well, I was deathly ill last week. I had a cough so bad they actually tested me for TB. Thankfully the antibiotics cleared it right up though.

The MPRE is Saturday. This should be fun. I haven't studied at all, and I'm banking on two days being sufficient.

I'm sick of school, and finding the whole "third year they bore you to death" adage to be very, very true.

The show "Jericho" is pretty good.

That is all.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

It's a sign.

So I sat down to start working, but I wanted to leave the tv on in the background so I could watch a little football.

I turned the tv on just in time to see the opening credits of "Ferris Bueller's Day Off."

I'm treating this as a sign.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sweet Concert

I saw Roger Waters last night.

It was a pretty sweet concert. I actually went with the girlfriend and her PARENTS. Which I guess makes them pretty cool parents.

It was a really weird mix of people. Among the older people there were the yuppy types who looked all clean cut and sat in the nice seats, there were the grungy older people who never really left the 60's. The younger fans were also similarly divided between fratty-clean cut looking people, and filthy hippies.

I'm not sure where I would fall on the spectrum. Ten years ago it would definitely be in the filthy disgusting hippy camp. However, I'm no longer the same person I was then. And of course I have way too much hair on my head and face to be considered "clean cut."

Oh man, also my alternator belt went on my car. I JUST had the thing replaced like two and a half months ago. The thing is, I had it replaced in a city that's about 500 miles and two states away from here. The alternator belt was like $100. I know it's not that much, but I shouldn't have to pay for it... but I can't take it back to the same place because it's too far away. Bah. I can't wait until I can buy a car that wasn't made in the 80's.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The life cycle of the 3L

I have a pretty sweet schedule this quarter.

No class on Thursday or Friday.

So this is the beginning of my 4 day weekend.

After work this Summer, school is a joke. Sure I'm in class like 4-5 hours a day, but man, I always have at least 1 hour (usually 4) in which I can screw around during the day.

It's good to be a 3L.


I have a pretty sweet schedule this quarter.

No class on Thursday or Friday.

So this is the beginning of my 4 day weekend.

After work this Summer, school is a joke. Sure I'm in class like 4-5 hours a day, but man, I always have at least 1 hour (usually 4) in which I can screw around during the day.

It's good to be a 3L.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Monday marks the end of this ridiculously long period of idleness.

Bad news: I had to leave the girlfriend's house and go back to my own apartment.

Good news: I will no longer be hanging out at my girlfriend's house, waking up at 1:30 and doing absolutely nothing all day.

Better news: I will be seeing Roger Waters at the end of the week with the girlfriends, and her parents. This obviously means that the girlfriend has some pretty cool parents. Supposedly Dark Side of the Moon will be performed. I'm quite excited.

And the winner is...

The Lutherans.

After much soul searching, reading, and praying... I think I've found my church.

I appreciate the German heritage of the place. Not a lot of "waving hands" or "clapping and shouting," which I am not comfortable with. Lots of "looking at your feet while stoically singing hymns."

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Summer Gravy Train Rolls On.

So I'm staying with girlfriend for a month before school starts. Fortunately, girlfriend's undergrad also has a law school that my firm recruits from. Even more fortunately the people who came to do OCI took myself and another summer who happened to be in town out to the nicest restaurant in the city.

Five courses of deliciousness. Plus lunch today.

My firm rules.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Sweet, Sassy Reality Kickin' Snubs in the Face

So I'm working for Prof. X again. I decided I couldn't actually "co-write" an article because I have no freaking idea what's going on, and I've only got about 3 weeks before school starts. But I did offer my services as a research assistant... free of charge of course.

However Prof. X wouldn't take no for an answer, and informed me that I would be paid if I did research for the article. I'm no longer a student at Prof. X's school. In order to pay me, an outside employment agency has to hire me. I'm not sure why, but some bureaucratic nonsense is at work.

So I go down to the employment agency's local office today... and, wow. The people in there definitely aren't working at large law firms. It was an ugly, disgusting, frightening, and depressing look at the way life actually pans out for a lot of people.

I remember going to those places once or twice when I was hard up for a job after undergrad, and grasping at straws. I hated it. They reek of desparation, and the people who staff them feel so predatory. When I graduated from college, it was the middle of the tech burst, and I lived in one of the hardest hit places in the country. I went to a couple of these places based on a friend's recommendation. They always had the shittiest jobs you can possibly imagine, and no shortage of downtrodden human beings waiting to staff them. I decided pretty quickly that I'd rather eat a pistol, or go work the night shift at the local copy store than work collections for some third rate auto financing company, or do mind-numbing data entry work.
So, I busted my hump for $9.18 an hour for two years before law school, wearing a nametag and an apron. But you know what? I felt more honest doing that than I would've at any bullshit clerical job that I would've hated twice as much. Hell, at least I got to listen to my own music and nobody ever told me to cut my hair or shave.

It all worked out in the end. I have the job I want, I enjoy doing it, and they pay me so much I don't mind haircuts or razors. Hell, I'll even wear a tie.

But life doesn't work out for everyone. I imagine for every me, there's someone still walking into an employment agency somewhere, hoping to score a receptionist gig for 3 months while the permanent employee takes her maternity leave, or hoping that the next assignment will be "the one" that leads to permanent employment. It's horrible. There were three other people in the place with me today. I was the youngest one there, by a wide margin, and I felt like an asshole. I felt like an asshole because I already HAVE a job... this is just a side project that I would actually be doing for free if it weren't for Prof. X's insistence that I be paid. I felt like an asshole because these people came into the agency dressed in suits and skirts, hoping to make a good impression on their new handlers; I showed up in jeans, unshaven, in a t-shirt with a cheese stain on it, and I haven't had a haircut since June. I felt like an asshole because I make more than any three people in that building put together, and I turned down a job that would've paid more than any 4 of them combined. Most of all, I felt like an asshole because these people seemed to actually be trying. I'm used to writing off the homeless, the panhandlers, and the beggars. I feel little sympathy for drunks, drug addicts, or fuckups. But these people were different. These people were working, or at least trying to, and that made me feel like a real bastard for taking what I've got for granted.

I've never felt "rich" before. Today I did. I found it to be very uncomfortable.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


One of my goals this Summer was to find a church. I haven't had much in the way of good experiences with organized religion. There are two kinds of churches I've found. The "modern" variety are fun and welcoming, but they seem to have sucked all the religion out of "religion." The "traditional" churches still care for doctrine, but they are not fun, nor are they welcoming, and a lot of their members seem to be more interested in condemning others than they are in saving themselves.

There's a great quote from the movie "Saved!" (which is actually a hilarious movie, and does a good job at showing the kind of religious hypocrisy I loathe). One of the characters throws a bible at someone, and the girl picks it up and says "This is not a weapon... idiot."

So, as part of my continued quest to find a place of worship to call my own, I went to my girlfriend's church today. It was interesting. The service itself is modern. I really don't like modern services. They play contemporary Christian music, which... just sucks. I'm sorry, but modern Christian music utterly blows. Don't believe me? Turn on a Christian rock station and see how long you can stand it. It's horrible. There was about 20 minutes of that, and then the sermon. The sermon was actually pretty good. The pastor is from Jamaica, so he had a cool accent (halfway between British and Jamaican), and he offered multiple interpretations (including of course, his own) of the passages we looked at. The fact that he was open to multiple viewpoints, and not chained to orthodoxy was good. Against the backdrop of the service though, the sermon lost a lot of its power. Plus I won't be living in this city after graduation. Bah.

The search continues.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

And I'm employed.

I have a job. Not in the "hey come work for us this Summer and we'll see how it goes" way, but the "Hey, we like you, we want you to come back here and work for us permanently" way.

This is, by all accounts, totally sweet while at the same time being pretty awesome.

I loved my firm. I loved the people, I loved the city, I loved the 15 pounds I gained because they wouldn't let me go for more than 2 hours in any day without eating... I liked all of it. Best of all, I liked the fact that the vast majority of the attorneys on any given floor were gone by 6pm every day, and most of them didn't come in until 8am. I also LOVE the fact that they're family friendly. It's a place where you work really hard, but they don't ask for every minute of your life. The pay's a little lower than the major markets (especially after the first few years). But I'm really glad I made this choice, instead of the other one. I know now that I would've hated the other place with a fiery passion.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Man that went by fast.

I can't believe Summer is almost over. I seriously feel like I've only been at my firm for a month. I'm going to miss the free food and ridiculously large paychecks. Also the people there are really cool. I'll miss them as well.

After I wrap things up next week, I'll be moving in with the girlfriend for a month before school starts.

I've got big plans for that month.

Remember Prof. X from 1L? Well, we're going to write an article together. Hopefully I'll be a published author by this time next year.


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Lines of Communication

The good people whose wireless signal I was able to leech have turned off their network.

Awful. Absolutely awful. Now I have to walk to the coffee shop to blog (since I can't very well do it from work). This is a tragedy.

Summer is moving along at a very fast clip. I only have 4 more weeks left at work. This is bad, because I need the money. However, this is also good because it gives me roughly six weeks of vacation between work and school.

Prof. X (the one I was working for last Summer) emailed me and asked me if I would like to coauthor an article with her!!! This will likely take care of my 6 week vacation, but if I can get an article published with Prof. X it will be absolutely amazing. Here's hoping everything works out.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Good God is it hot out. I walked over to the store to get some ice cream and came back drenched in sweat. Walking through the air is sort of like swimming today.

I found out a couple of months ago that an old friend (one who I don't keep in contact with) moved to Beirut last spring. I hope she and her family managed to get the hell out.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The North

This weekend was spent deep in the wilderness, near our hostile border with Canada.

I went canoeing, portaging, and fishing all weekend. To get to our campsite, we had to drive to a town of 3,000 people, then drive for another hour on dirt roads to get to a drop-off point. From there we took the canoes and paddled/portaged them (which is a fancy word for "carried them on over our heads") for 4 more hours. We truly were in the middle of nowhere. It was totally worth it though. Girlfriend got to come along with us, and we both caught a big fish (and some little ones), and we saw a huge beaver, mice, hawks, eagles, one very large turtle, a couple of deer, a red squirrel, herons, cranes, a strange looking wood duck, a couple of families of ducklings, and some misquitos the size of fruit bats.

The really cool part is that the nature was pretty close. I fed the turtle a fish carcass (or at least the bits left over when we were done filleting it) by hand. Of course this was probably dumb, because that turtle could've taken off one of my fingers, but it was fun. The thing was enormous. It's tail was probably 8" and it had moss growing on its shell and snails on its head.

There was a small marsh below our campsite and we watched a monstrous beaver swim through, chewing plants and reeds. The thing was the size of a medium breed dog, and it was so close you could hear him chewing.

The trip was fantastic. I can't wait to go back.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Bad Snubs!

I've been neglecting my blog. Boo to that.

Work is going well. I don't much care for the transactional work. I'm really liking the litigation stuff though.

Girlfriend and I are going to go on the firm retreat tomorrow. Also I had Monday and Tuesday off, so I've basically got a 1 day work week. My first paycheck was just deposited.

I make more money in a week now than I did in a month before law school. This is going to take some getting used to. I'm still eating dinner on a card table with folding chairs. I'm such a dumbass though... I think I'll end up spending it all on personal electronics, and I'll be broke again.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Work... is work.

I started work this week. So far it seems alright. I just feel utterly incompetent. I think I messed up both of my assignments pretty badly this week. Hopefully next week will go better.

We're getting a new summer associate in my group next week as well, which is good, because I'll no longer be "the new guy."

What Happened to Common Decency?

Seriously, this makes me happy.

I hate the fact that there are people like this in the world. But I like the fact that someone is vindictive enough to stick it to them on the Internet.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Well, I'm a 3L now.

I went out and bought new clothes today with the girlfriend. New clothes for my new life as a law firm foot soldier.

While I was at the mall, I found myself searching for the "perfect" pair of flat front khakis (I don't like pleats), and agonizing over what brand of collared shirt to wear that would go with my charcoal gray pinstripe pants... and I thought "How in the hell did it come to this???" Seriously. In high school I was the kid with the black NIN t-shirt, the combat boots, and the field jacket. I wore a bullet necklace and had long hair.

Now I'm sitting in the Men's section of a department store, attempting to figure out if a paisley tie would be "too seditious," and whether or not the belt I've chosen matches the reddish tone of my brown shoes.

I guess whatever vestiges of youthful rebellion that existed in my soul are now dead. Maybe they weren't even there... maybe it was just an act the entire time. Maybe the disaffected, disillusioned youth has become so institutionalized that it's just another facet of mainstream society... just a childish cry that, far from bringing fear into the hearts of those associated with the establishment, simply inspires a sense of nostalgia for their own misguided youths.

However, as I look down the barrel of a very profitable Summer, I can say one thing, one of the dead heroes is right: Teenage angst has paid off well.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

That was just... wrong.

So you know how the proctor always reads the standard law school exam instructions, and you zone out like it's a pre-takeoff aircraft safety demonstration because you've heard them about 22 times before?

I did that today at the test.

And then she got to the part you have to listen to: the professor's instructions. These can vary somewhat, so you have to pay attention. The proctor read them, and the last thing on the list:

"6) Enjoy the exam, it's a doozy!"

The crappy part is, he wasn't lying.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Tomorrow's the big day. I try to study, really I do. However Internet distractions are many, and time, my immortal and unstoppable enemy, continues marching on. That evil juggernaut seems to pay no attention to this mortal's needs.

I'm oddly ok with this. First quarter I proved to myself that I can do well here. Second quarter I proved to myself that I can do poorly here, and third quarter I think I'm proving to myself that I don't care anymore.

I think I may have reached law school nirvana: Perspective.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Scandalous! *gasp... swoon*

I've decided... NOT to make an evidence outline. Why? Because I have NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL I'M DOING.

Seriously, the "casebook" was a hornbook, and we were reading 35-50 pages per class. There is no conceivable way I'm going to be able to plow through all that in the next few days. Especially considering I have two other finals and the nice weather to contend with.

In addition, the good people at our local BLSA seem to have posted, what appears to *me* to be an incredibly sweet outline from someone who had my professor, on their website.

In 7 days and 12 hours I will be a 3L, I will be making gobs and gobs of money, and I won't be outlining.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Internet Radio

I just discovered Internet radio... so now I can listen to my favorite stations from back home. I cant describe how fraggin' sweet this is.

In other news, the outline train chugs onward. I think I'm going to go back to briefing. I seriously can't stand re-reading all the cases, and I don't/can't pay attention in class, so my notes are crappy. Ugh. So much easier to cut and paste from briefs.

Most of my friends are taking early finals, which means they'll be starting tomorrow (actually today) at 2pm. I'm way too smart for that. I'm taking regular finals, which gives me an extra week to study. I can't fathom how my friends can possibly be ready for exams tomorrow. Our last day of classes was Friday for God's sake.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Yacht Rock!

A friend from my old school sent me a link to this. Apparently one of his brother's friends is involved with it. I was expecting to find some piece of horribly made crap, but I am utterly astonished by how GOOD Yacht Rock is.

Maybe it helps that I love really smoothe music... I don't know. All I know right now is that school continues to suck, and jokes about Michael McDonald and Kenny Loggins make me laugh.

Radio Silence

Not a lot to report. I'm two thirds done with one of my outlines, which is good, because I have 2 weeks until finals. I have 110 pages of reading for my class on Monday, which is bad, because our "casebook" is a hornbook. A triple-digit reading assignment in a hornbook is just out of line.

There is no way I will be ready for class. This may actually be an interesting exercise in game theory:

He allows us to email him in advance if we don't want to be called on, and he's broken the class up into 3 panels, so 1/3 of the class is "on call" for Monday.

I'm betting that a lot of people will not be ready, and will email him.

This makes the odds of me getting called even higher.

This makes marginally prepared students (like myself) want to email him as well, which increases the chances of the remaining panel members getting called on....

The least prepared among them will have to reassess their position in light of the increased chance they'll be called on and may decide to email the professor as well...

And the Cascade effect continues until there's one gunner who's ready to roll on Monday.

God I'm tired.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Compulsive Behavior

Here's to another night wasted on video games. God forbid I do something productive. At least it's only 4:15 this time.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

My Culinary Powers Grow

So I've been watching the burrito guys make my burritos, and tonight I decided to try on my own. The results: Pretty good. Placing the entire burrtito on the stove and grilling it until the tortilla is light brown really makes a difference.

I picked up that trick watching the pros.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Congratulations To Eveyrone!

Everyone but those of us languishing on the south side. While everyone at all normal law schools are a week away from being done (or in some cases, actually ARE done), I have another month of suffering in this inferno of hellish reading/outlining/paper writing.

I know a guy from my high school class who just graduated. Man. I feel like the kid who got left back a grade because of my little "break" after college.